highways and roads manhole covers: ensuring safety and accessibility

Our manhole covers designed specifically for highways and roads prioritize safety, accessibility, and durability. Crafted from high-quality materials such as ductile iron or composite polymers, these covers offer robust protection for underground utilities while withstanding heavy traffic loads and harsh environmental conditions. Engineered to meet stringent safety standards, they feature anti-slip surfaces and secure locking mechanisms to prevent accidents and unauthorized access. Whether for maintenance or emergency purposes, our manhole covers provide reliable access points for utility workers and ensure uninterrupted traffic flow on highways and roads.

Additional Information

Product Code M1125
Application: Road - Street
Material: GGG 50
Gasket: EPDM Rubber
Paint & Color: Bitumen Paint
Clean Aperture: Ø685 mm
External Dimensions: Ø917 mm x 80 mm

Load Class D400
Weight 75 + 3
Lock System Manual

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